I want to highlight the importance of imagination and creativity that can bring magic to the little moments in life. Often when I experience something mundane, I imagine what would happen next if I were in a fantasy novel, and sometimes I like to draw this. My best drawings usually have mystical themes or an altered reality, because I like to imagine that there is always a little magic just around the corner. That is what makes our world beautiful, I think.
When I was seven years old, I joined an art class led by an old Ukrainian woman, and she challenged me like no one else has since. When I was eight, she gave me a photograph of a man, and told me to draw him, and it was the first time I had ever done that. It didn't go very well, but I didn't mind. Later, when I was eleven, I wanted to draw a horse. It was like a switch completing a circuit, I had changed from drawing childish little fairies to a realistic horse. I live for moments like that, where the switch flips, and after months of frustration and hard work, I finally improve. Finishing drawings is much harder than starting them, and it's the works that have a story behind them, that make me feel something, that make the audience feel, that motivate me to go the extra mile and to finish them.
I find music videos often inspire me, because I want to create a certain atmosphere with each piece. Some music videos do this very creatively, and I often take inspiration from them. My favourite music videos come from groups like IC3PEAK and Little Big.
My parents immigrated from Russia as the Soviet Union fell apart. They went through a lot to build a life for me. I think they taught me resilience and discipline as a result, and they encouraged me to do art, because self-expression was much more accepted here.Their past is the reason I can do art today, and I am glad I can continue it and celebrate their efforts well into adult life.
I am stronger than I think, and that I can assert myself and people will listen.
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