"Come Alive" is a compilation of different beats I made in 2018. I put it up on Soundcloud earlier this year to show my versatility as a producer. That means there are many different moods on the tape ranging from from a calm drive by the beach(Drive) to sinking into all of your deepest darkest emotions (Falling up). I'm planning on making my next project a bit more cohesive in terms of art direction. Artwork was done by my good friend @priyaratnamohan
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Even before an artist records I try to gauge their mood by simply just having a conversation with them. Then based off of that show them beats that I feel fit that need or build a beat from scratch. Basically I want to see if their tone and energy matches that off the beat. On a technical music nerd level it's more just making sure that their voice doesn't clash with any other sounds and it's mixed properly.
I started producing in my 3rd year of high school. It was honestly just based on me being too ashamed to really rap or sing about my experiences so I ended up putting them into beats so I could let someone else emulate those feelings for me but when I started pretty much nobody wanted to use my beats. I've been picking up traction recently and hopefully that can increase as the years go by.
I'm always experimenting with different sounds and trying to mix different genres. My beats are mostly trap influenced but I add dancehall, rock, metal, Bollywood and many other sounds to add some spice to my music. Sometimes artists just want something a bit more generic and that's okay too. The message I portray is that of the rapper or vocalist on the beat unless it's a solo project.
I'm always searching for inspiration from different creatives as well as different people who work in different fields. I enjoy meeting new people and friends so I can learn different perspectives from them. I'm also going to school for computer science so I also make programs and software. I like going to art galleries you always meet cool people there and I get a lot of inspiration from them. I also enjoy being in nature (winter time only) it helps me realign with myself. I play basketball from time to time when the weather is good to stay fit.
I get energy from the people that support me and tell me to keep going. If it wasn't for them I really wouldn't be doing this right now. They motivate me everyday to keep going especially when life gets rough. Also my drive to have my sound heard plays a big role in the grand scheme of things.
I would tell him to be more vulnerable and to let his guard down. Don't allow the negativity from your past to affect how you communicate and carry yourself going forward. Never suppress yourself.